There are a few things wrong with this photo. Want to guess which one we're about to seize upon? Image Source:
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Add it all up, and you are probably losing more value by spreading yourself too thin by committing to caring for your loved one rather than hiring a trained professional. Myth 5: Home Care Isn't Long-Term. Some individuals will need long-term care, and you may feel as though in-home care is a temporary fix. Nov 08, 2018 Has the coronavirus pandemic exposed Donald Trump's incompetence thus placing America and its future in danger?
Hollywood is, of course, a source of entertainment, not facts. More often than not, movies and TV shows tamper with the truth in order to create a more exciting product. And while that's all well and good–reality can be pretty dull–it has created numerous myths about the way the world works that are now believed across the globe. Be it the way laser guns would actually look, how phone calls are really traced, or what it would truly take to bring back the dinosaurs, here are ten movie myths you probably believe.
Diverse Fostering is based in Tunstall, Stoke on Trent. Contact us by phone or email to get started. Flood myth, any of numerous mythologies in which a flood destroys a disobedient original population. Myths of a great flood are widespread over Eurasia and America. The flood, with few exceptions, is an expiation by the water, after which a new type of world is created. A story, after all, is far more memorable than a sermon or a treatise. It can present a complicated concept and make it shimmer with implications. Aesop's fables, Plato's philosophical myths, and India's mythical allegories are such stories. As Jesus realized, if one wants to make an abstract idea understandable to the masses one should present.
First up: The thing every action hero survives in the movies, but never would in real life…
Movie Myths: Laser Guns Are Visible
Visually impressive, scientifically unlikely. Image Source: Wikia
Download create photo collagesoftrareabcsoft. Whether we are talking about handheld laser blasters or giant laser guns mounted to spaceships, it's accepted in science fiction that, eventually, we'll all give up on bullets and kill each other using lasers. And while this might be possible some day, there is a problem with every single Hollywood laser gun ever: you can see the lasers.
In real life, those lasers would be invisible. That's not to say that visible lasers aren't possible, it's just that invisible ones would be far more powerful. A visible light beam will scatter some of its photons into your eyes so you can see it. This makes it less energetic and therefore less potent. Even basic lasers today—like a laser pointer—uses non-visible light wavelengths.
Explosions Are No Big Deal
Download create photo collagesoftrareabcsoft. Whether we are talking about handheld laser blasters or giant laser guns mounted to spaceships, it's accepted in science fiction that, eventually, we'll all give up on bullets and kill each other using lasers. And while this might be possible some day, there is a problem with every single Hollywood laser gun ever: you can see the lasers.
In real life, those lasers would be invisible. That's not to say that visible lasers aren't possible, it's just that invisible ones would be far more powerful. A visible light beam will scatter some of its photons into your eyes so you can see it. This makes it less energetic and therefore less potent. Even basic lasers today—like a laser pointer—uses non-visible light wavelengths.
Explosions Are No Big Deal
Should be Die Impossible, not Die Hard. Image Source: DVD Talk
Any good action hero worth his salt knows how to deal with an explosion: never look at it, jump in the air exactly when it happens and then get up and keep running. It doesn't matter that the shockwave was strong enough to shatter buildings, cars, and other heavy stuff. When it comes to the human body, all an explosion does is propel the hero forward in slow motion.
As you might expect, in real life, that same shockwave would tear our hero to pieces. Even if his body remains intact, the shockwave doesn't push him forward, it goes through him. This alone is usually enough to stop his heart.
Next up: You think police have to do it. They don't…
Debunking 5 Common Myths About In-Home Care
In-home care provides many benefits to seniors or other individuals who need help; so why are there so many negative myths spread about it? Many people simply have misconceptions about what in-home care is like. Consider these 5 common myths about in-home care and how you just might be wrong about them!
Myth 1: Home Care Is Too Expensive
If you're new to the idea of in-home care, it may be easy to think you're getting yourself into a pretty deep financial commitment. Surprisingly though, in-home care is much more affordable than people expect! Genworth Financial, an insurance company for long term care, says professional care comes to about $125 per day compared to the $253 per day for a nursing home. It is most likely more affordable to allow your loved one to stay independent in his own home rather than sending him to an expensive care facility where his independence is hindered.
Myth 2: Caregivers Are Randomly Placed, Uncaring, & Untrustworthy
Allowing someone into your loved one's home to keep an eye on them can be hard, especially if you've heard rumors of people having issues with caregivers. The truth is, though, that whichever home care company you choose to use should perform thorough background checks and vetting of their caregivers.
Not only are they safe to allow around your loved one, they DO care! Most providers go to great lengths to hire individuals who have a passion for helping others live happy, healthy, and independent lives. They also do whatever they can to match caregivers and seniors by taking into account similar interests and personalities.
All Myths Are True
Myth 3: Home Care Is Only for Dependent Seniors
You might have a picture in your head of the person you imagine to be in need of in-home care. Most likely it's a frail senior who can't even get herself out of bed – and this is totally wrong!
First, many seniors who have only lost the ability to do some tasks like driving or lifting heavy things can still enjoy most of their lives on their own, but could use a ride to the grocery store or some companionship at home if their family members work full time.
Second, someone who requires in-home care may not be old. It could be someone with a chronic condition or a person recovering from surgery, and many more! You never know who may need a little help around the home.
Myth 4: I Should Take Care of My Loved One
Ancient Myths About The Sun
As much as you want to help, unfortunately you may not be the most equipped caregiver when it comes to in-home care. Your loved one may feel more comfortable accepting help from a trained professional, rather than burdening you or other family members with their needs. By introducing a caregiver, you allow your loved one to benefit from expert care and be able to enjoy quality time with you and your family when you visit.
In addition to that, while it may feel like you're saving money by DIY-ing in-home care, you're actually most likely giving up a lot when it comes to time off from your job, time away from your children or partner, and time lost for other matters you need to attend to in your own personal life. Add it all up, and you are probably losing more value by spreading yourself too thin by committing to caring for your loved one rather than hiring a trained professional.
All About Myths Home Alone
Myth 5: Home Care Isn't Long-Term
What Is A Myth
Some individuals will need long-term care, and you may feel as though in-home care is a temporary fix. But if you have an open and honest conversation with the care provider, they can work with you and your loved one to make a long-term care plan that works to cover any and all needs.
Exceptional In-Home Care in Maryland
Are you convinced yet that home care isn't as bad as some people make it out to be? If you need more proof, contact the professionals at Advanced Nursing & Home Support. We can't wait to show you how great in-home care can truly be!